At AHHH Hypnotherapy, we’ve done our best to create a web site that anticipates and satisfies our customers’ needs. With that goal in mind, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions. Just click the question to see the response.

If you do not find an answer to your question here contact us.

  • Do you really want to cluck like a chicken? You won’t do anything while in hypnosis that is beyond your moral or ethical boundaries. At AHHH Hypnotherapy we only use hypnosis for serious goal attaining, not entertainment.

  • Since all hypnosis is self hypnosis, hypnosis will work for anyone that wants it to work. The natural ability to achieve deep hypnosis does depend on the individual; however, all can easily and quickly learn. The more motivated to achieving your goal, and to listening and follow suggestions the better.

  • The amount of sessions needed depends on the client and their specific goal or goals.

  • No. You can leave the hypnotized state any time you choose. Simply open your eyes or drift off to deep sleep.

  • Each client may experience different sensations during hypnosis, some experience no specific sensations at all. For the most part hypnosis will feel like you are really relaxed sitting in the recliner with your eye’s closed.

  • I have made the decision to not accept insurance. There are multiple reasons why I don’t take insurance, including but not limited to: Once you submit a claim to insurance they have a “right” to access any of the information we discuss in my office, I prefer to not be limited or mandated by what the insurance company decides is an appropriate activity, and I refuse to “diagnose” you. Because in the insurance world once you receive a diagnosis it never leaves your record. The added concern for me taking insurance is I work with doctors, lawyers, judges, police officers, nurses, military members, business owners, etc. all of which do not want the work we do in the office to show up on any “Electronic Medical Records”, or any other records at all in their future. We much prefer (as do our clients) to work “Off the radar” and attract many clients for this specific reason alone. There is much less risk for you, and we don’t have to worry about anyone telling us what is the best way to help you.